Category Archives: Wedding Photography


There’s a saying that wandering spirits are never lost. Well, maybe that’s what I was telling myself as I followed Lisa and Lilly to an unmarked location in Ojai, CA for their elopement. We pulled over and hiked down through some brush, and when I saw the location, it all made sense. It was a creek with a soothing sound of trickling waterfalls. It was serene—–almost unreal–that something like this existed just outside the city. It was just right for them. It was perfect.

So, I did what I had to do. I folded my jeans up, kicked off my shoes and socks and jumped right in the ankle-deep stream of nature-chilled water. It was a very intimate ceremony filled with laughs, splashes, and no ticks thankfully! Check out some of the snaps below of their sweet yet unforgettable, intimate elopement!

Ginny + Michael Wedding

“Just breathe, this is your big day! Are you okay? Are you nervous? You can do this!”

Those were the words spoken to me by the bride as I prepared to shoot my first formal wedding as the primary photographer.

You might remember this power couple from their unforgettable Disneyland engagement shoot a few months ago. On 4/8/16 (see what they did with the numbers there?) their fate would be sealed in forever. It’s been nothing short of amazing getting to know these two people. They met at work (the same place that I worked) so I have had a front-row seat to their love story since day one. Some days it was like being in a soap opera–WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!? Other days it was confusing as to how they could stand to stay in the same room with eachother. However, most days, it made perfect sense that they were made for eachother. See for yourself ala the images below! P.S. Donuts instead of cake—could this be more perfect!?










































Personal notes:
Michael and I were like Maverick and Goose at work, except neither of us died. We were both on top of our games and when we weren’t, we inspired eachother to do better. Sometimes it was competitive, other times it was collaborative, but the respect for eachother was always mutual and at the end of the day, all we wanted was what everyone wants: to be happy. In my farewell card, Michael wrote, “Though we come from different places, we are connected through art!” I can say that quote, original or not, is now stapled to Michael’s file in my brain. It’s amazing how that quote sums up our friendship. Together we’ve faced many tough projects, days, months—but at least we had eachother to lean on.

Ginny Ber. You know what makes a good friend? When it’s weird when you call them by their real name. Not just like a little weird, but like, uttering their real name to their face is just like saying the f word to a baby. It’s just not right. The same time Ginny did the yooper waltz into Michael’s life, she did mine. I guess Asian people are like a rare fruit where she lives so when we became friends she showed me off to all her friends like she found big foot. I gained overnight celebrity status in the Upper Peninsula and people knew who I was far before I knew any of them. I’m pretty sure that if you had a mic on Ginny and I’s conversations, we’d be classified as mentally insane. Weird noises, our own language, references to THE WEIRDEST THINGS ON THE INTERNET (wait, wait, wait, wait, wait). Yep. Oh, and we can pick up exactly where we left off even if we haven’t seen eachother for months. I’d say that’s what makes a forever friend. Well at least until we get into a tiff and then we’re not friends anymore. Then that wouldn’t be forever would it? Guess not. Whatevz.

I’m super happy for you guys, and I am so glad you both fell into my life as you’ve fallen into eachother’s. Wishing you both nothing but love, success, and above all that one thing we all search for: happiness. So… Chinese soon? LOVE YOU GUYS.

Second shooter: Rommel Gimao

Marie + Josh Wedding

You know the saying “haste makes waste?” Well let’s just say that for Marie and Josh, haste makes for a ridiculously cute and cozy backyard wedding. With just two days of planning (two days!), they were able to have decor, delicious home-made food (Jewish food may be my new favorite food) and loved ones come together for a heart-warming ceremony. In the short time I got to know Marie and Josh, I learned that they were very easy-going, spontaneous people. That, combined with extreme gratitude for everything and everyone, Marie and Josh reminded me that taking leaps of faith don’t have to be that scary. It can actually lead to moments that change your life, fill your heart with love—take your breath away. I’m so happy to have shared and captured their special day with them, and wish them all the happiness in the world!

Check out their intimate backyard-beach wedding, and remember, “Just bee yourself!”

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